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Hypericum roeperianum Schimp. ex A.Rich.
Genus: HypericumSection: sect. Campylosporus
Synonyms: 17
- lectotype: P - Schimper - 866
- isolectotype: FI - Schimper - 866
- isolectotype: K - Schimper - 866
- isolectotype: LE - Schimper - 866
- isolectotype: MO - Schimper - 866
- isolectotype: G - Schimper - 866
Shrub or tree 0-6-5 m tall, bushy, with branches ascending. Stems red when young, soon 2-lined to terete; internodes 10-30 mm long, shorter than leaves; bark reddish-brown. Leaves sessile; lamina (25-)30-100(-115) x (5-)10-40 mm, lanceolate or occasionally ovate to elliptic or oblong-elliptic, acute to obtuse, margin recurved to revolute, base cuneate, sometimes subauriculate, paler beneath, sometimes glaucous, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, lower ones ± persistent; venation: 7(9) basal and lower lateral veins (i.e. midrib + 3(4) pairs), the laterals and midrib branches forming dense tertiary reticulum, with secondaries reduced to dots in areolae; laminar glands in secondary venous system, dots (sometimes elongate), without distinct alternating series; marginal glands dark, dense. Inflorescence (1)3-∞-flowered, from l-2(-4) nodes, often with lateral flowering branches; pedicel 5-2 mm long; bracts foliar or intermediate. Flowers 30-55 mm in diam., stellate; buds ovoid, acute. Sepals (2.5-)5-8 x (1.5-)3.5-5 mm, imbricate, unequal or unequal, ovate-lanceolate to ovate, acute to obtuse, margin subentire to glandular-ciliate or -denticulate, midrib undifferentiated; laminar glands linear, numerous; submarginal and marginal glands dark. Petals golden or bright yellow, sometimes tinged reddish, persistent, spreading to reflexed, (12-)20-35 x (7-)10-20 mm, 3-4 sepals, obovate, with apiculus small, rounded; margin entire, eglandular, or with submarginal to marginal dark glands or dark-glandular-ciliate; laminar glands linear, not interrupted, occasionally also a few dark dots or short streaks. Stamen fascicles persistent, each with c. 35-45 stamens, longest 10-20 mm long, 0-5-0-65 x petals, with filaments very shortly united. Ovary 4-7 x 3-5-5 mm, ovoid to subglobose; styles 8-12 mm long, l-6-2-3(-3) x ovary, completely coherent or rarely almost so; stigma mass capitate. Capsule 9-14 x 7-10 mm, broadly to narrowly ovoid. Seeds yellow-brown, c. 1 mm long, cylindric to narrowly pyriform, not winged or carinate, shallowly linear-reticulate.