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Hypericum hircinum L.
Genus: HypericumSection: sect. Androsaemum
Synonyms: 1
Shrub (0-2-)0-5-l-8(-3) m tall, bushy with numerous stems from branching but not rooting base, with branches erect to spreading or pendulous. Stems 4-lined and ancipitous when young, eventually 2-lined or terete; internodes 2-9 mm long, shorter than to exceeding leaves; bark grey-brown, fissured. Leaves sessile to subsessile, sometimes amplexicaul, when crushed usually smelling of goats (caproicacid); lamina 20-65(-75) x (8-)12-27(-35) mm, broadly ovate to triangular-lanceolate, acute to rounded, margin plane or crisped-undulate, base cordate or rounded to cuneate or shortly angustate, somewhat paler beneath, very rarely glaucous, chartaceous to papyraceous; venation: 2-4(-5) pairs of ascending main lateral veins, with tertiary reticulum ± prominent on both sides; laminar glands small; intramarginal glands dense. Inflorescence (l-)3-c. 20-flowered, from 1-2 nodes without condensed internode, broadly pyramidal, often with 3-flowered branches from node below and flowering branches from up to 4 nodes below that, the whole then narrowly pyramidal to subcylindric; pedicels 4-10 mm long; bracts rarely foliar, usually reduced, lanceolate to subulate. Flowers (20-)25-40 mm in diam.; buds ± globose, rounded. Sepals (2-)4-8 x 1-3 mm, imbricate or open, somewhat unequal, decurving and sometimes slightly enlarging after anthesis, deciduous before fruit ripens, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, acute to shortly acuminate, 5-7-veined from base with veins ± branched and reticulate; laminar glands linear to striiform; inframarginal glands ± dense. Petals golden yellow, not tinged red, spreading, 11-21 x 4-9 mm, 3-4 x sepals, oblanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, with apiculus subterminal and obsolete or absent. Stamen fascicles each with c. 20 stamens, longest 12-22 mm long, 1-1.2 x petals. Ovary 3-5 x 2-3.5 mm, ellipsoid, acute; styles 10-24 mm, 3-5 x ovary, erect, narrowly divergent in the upper 1/3-1/4; stigmas narrowly capitate. Capsule 5-14 x 4-7 mm, ellipsoid or ovoid-ellipsoid to subcylindric, coriaceous, maturing from green to mid-brown, dull, incompletely dehiscent. Seeds orange- to reddish-brown, c. 1-2—1-5 mm long, completely unilaterally winged, with terminal winged appendages.