Hypericum online

A site dedicated to Hypericum – The St John’s Worts


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
deCeballos ER1995Flora del valle de Lerma: Clusiaceae Lindley (= Guttiferae A. Juss.)
J. S. Faulkner1990A Co Armagh (H37) site for Hypericum hirsutum L.
E. Foerster1971Zur Unterscheidung von Hypericum maculatum und H. tetrapterum im blutenlosen Zustand.
R. B. Fornasiero, Maffi, L., Benvenuti, S., Bianchi, A.2000Morphological and phytochemical features of secretory structures in Hypericum richeri (Clusiaceae).
A. M. Gasanov1975K ekologicheskoi anatomii Hypericum perforatum L. flory Azerbaidzhana.
L. : Geigy, Chemicals D. Agricultur1973Hypericaceae: St John's wort family.
J. M. Gillett1979New combinations in Hypericum, Triadenum, and Gentianopsis.
V. T. Glotova1978Osobennosti rosta i razvitiya predstavitelei roda Hypericum.
L. Z. Gu, Zhang H. B.1980Study of the chemical constituents in Hypericum attenuatum Chois.
I. Hagemann1987On subspecific taxa of Hypericum empatrifolium (Hypericaceae) from Crete.
I. Hagemann1983Wuchsformenuntersuchungen an zentraleuropaischen Hypericum- Arten. (Analysis of growth forms of central European Hypericum species.)
I. Hagemann1981Wuchsformenuntersuchungen an balkanischen Hypericum-Sippen. (Investigation of the growth form of Hypericum taxa from the Balkan Peninsula.)
I. Hagemann, Meusel H.1984Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra, ein Wurzelspross-Geophyt Wuchsform und Verbreitung. (Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra, a perennial with shoot bearing roots, growth form and distribution.)
E. D. Hatch1982Hypericum in the Waitakeres.
S. Hatusima1973A new woody Hypericum from the Ryukyus.
S. Hinneri1986Karvakuisman (Hypericum hirsutum) kannanvaihteluista Turun saaristossa 1900-luvulla. (Changes in the populations of Hypericum hirsutum in the 1900s in the archipelago of Turku, SW Finland.)
N. H. Holmgren, Holmgren P. K.2004Lectotypification of ten names of North American taxa in Clusiaceae, Elatinaceae, Ericaceae, Primulaceae, and Violaceae.
C. R. Jimenez1980Flora ilustrada catarinense: 1 parte. Fasciculo as plantas. Hipericaceaes.
R. C Jimenez1973Distribution geographique du genre Hypericum L. section Brathys (Mutis) sous section Spachium Keller.
G. Kamari, Blanche, C., Garbari, F., ., eds2003Mediterranean chromosome number reports: 12.
K. Kaplan, Grenzheuser, W., Lenski, H.1989Zur Verbreitung und Bestandssituation des Sumpf-Johanniskrautes (Hypericum elodes) im nordwestlichen Westfalen und in der Grafschaft Bentheim.
M. O. Karryev, Komissarenko N. F.1980Fitokhimicheskoe issledovanie rastenii roda Hypericum L. flory Turkmenii.
T. Kato1990Taxonomical studies on the Hypericum pseudopetiolatum complex: 4. Allozyme divergence and phylogenetic inference.
T. Kato1988Allozyme variation in Hypericum pseudopetiolatum R.Keller (Hypericaceae) in Hokkaido and Tohoku district.
T. Kato1987Taxonomical studies on the Hypericum pseudopetiolatum complex: 3. Taxonomy.
T. Kato1986Taxonomical studies on the Hypericum pseudopetiolatum complex: 2. Natural hybridizations in Kyushu.
T. Kato1986Does Hypericum penthorodes Kaidz. really exist as a species?
T. Kato1985Taxonomical studies on the Hypericum pseudopetiolatum complex 1. Geographical differentiation in the Japan Archipelago.
A. A. Khan, Agrawal, S., Khan, A.2006Hypericum japonicum Thunb. ex Murr. - a new record for Uttar Pradesh from Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary.
D. J. B. Killick1979Notes on African plants: Clusiaceae. Omission of Hypericum oligandrum from the Flora of Southern Africa.
Y. Kimura1980The type specimen of Hypericum japonicum Thunberg.
G. M. Kitanov2001Hypericin and pseudohypericin in some Hypericum species.
G. M. Kitanov, Nedialkov P. T.1998Mangiferin and isomangiferin in some Hypericum species.
F. P. Knight1971Hypericum chinense.
M. Kogi1984A karyomorphological study of the genus Hypericum (Hypericaceae) in Japan.
T. Kowal, Pic, S., Wesolowska, M., Buk, B., Rydzewska, H.1977The distribution and abundance of natural locations of Centaurium umbellatum Gilib., Frangula alnus Mill., Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench, and Hypericum perforatum L., in the area of voivodships of Poznan, Konin, Leszno, and Kalisz.
A. E. Kozhevnikov, Kozhevnikova Z. V.2001Hypericum laxum (Hypericaceae), a new species for the flora of Russia (Primorsky Territory).
F. Kuginuki, Namba T.1993Pharmacognostical studies on the folk medicine in Japan: 10. On "Otogiri-so". Anatomical features of leaves and stems of Hypericum and Triadenum (Hypericaceae): 1.
F. Kuginuki, Namba T.1993Pharmacognostical studies on the folk medicine in Japan: 13. On "Otogiri-so". Anatomical features of leaves and stems of genus Hypericum (Hypericaceae): 2.
R. Lancaster, Robson N.1997Bowls of beauty.
T. G. Leonova1991Rod Hypericum L. (Hypericaceae) vo flore Kavkaza. (De genere Hypericum L. (Hypericaceae) in flora Caucasi.)
Z. Y. Li1988Two new varieties from China.
X. Liang1998Research advances in Hypericum.
A. Liston1985Discoveries in the Flora of Israel. New floristic records from Mt. Hermon and northern Golan.
J. E. Lousley1971Hypericum canadense L. in England.
S. K Lozykowska, Dabrowska J.1996Topaz: Polska odmiana dziurawca zwyczajnego (Hypericum perforatum L.) (Topaz: the Polish variety of St. John Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.).)
H. F. Lu, Cheng, C. G., Tang, X., Hu, Z. H.2004FTIR spectrum of Hypericum and Triadenum with reference to their identification.
H. F. Lu, Hu Z. H.2001Comparative anatomy of secretory structures of leaves in Hypericum L.
L. Maffi, Benvenuti, S., R Fornasiero, B., Bianchi, A., Melegari, M.2001Inter-population variability of secondary metabolites in Hypericum spp. (Hypericaceae) of the northern Apennines, Italy.
F. Flora Malesiana1972Identification lists of Malaysian specimens: 42-46.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith