Hypericum naudinianum, Hypericum coadunatum, Hypericum caprifolium, Hypericum elodes
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Imaging technique:
Preparation technique:
Illustrated by Margaret Tebbs
A. H. naudinianum: (a) habit; (b) leaf; (c) sepal; (d) petal; (e) capsule. B. H. coadunatum: (f) leaf; (g) sepal. C. H. caprifolium: (h) flower; (i) sepal. D. H. elodes: (j) habit; (k) leaf; (1) sepal; (m) petal, showing ligule; (n) stamens and ovary, showing one 'lodicule'; (o) flower with developing capsule, two petals removed (a, j x ½, b, f, k x 1; h x 2; c-e, g, i, l-o x 4). A. Newbould 186. B. Lewalle 7387. C. Heywood & Davis 408. D. Melderis 87.
Natural History Museum