Hypericum online

A site dedicated to Hypericum – The St John’s Worts

Hypericum empetrifolium subsp. empetrifolium, Hypericum empetrifolium subsp. tortuosum, Hypericum amblycalyx

All rights reserved.
Imaging technique: 
Preparation technique: 
Illustrated by Margaret Tebbs

A. H. empetrifolium subsp. empetrifolium: (a) habit; (b) leaf, both sides; (c) sepal; (d) petal; (e) capsule. B. H. empetrifolium subsp. tortuosum: (f) habit. C. H. amblycalyx: (g) habit: (h) leaf, both sides; (i) sepal; (j) petal; (k) capsule. (a, f, g × 2/3; b, h × 4; d, j × 6; e, k × 8; c, i × 10). A. Balansa 92 (a-d), Murray 1032 (e). B. Robson 5 July 1975. C. Davis 168 (g-j), Davis 283 (k).

Natural History Museum
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith