Hypericum chamaemyrtus subsp. chamaemyrtus (Nomenclature)
Diagnostic description:
Subshrub 0.7-1 m tall. Leaves definitely pseudopetiolate, lamina broadly to very narrowly elliptic-oblong, base broadly cuneate to rounded, midrib not prominent beneath. Inflorescence branching at first pseudo-dichotomous, ultimately dichasial/monochasial. Petals 5-8 mm long, apiculus acuminate to acute.
Colombia (Boyacá, Cundinamarca).
Subsp. chamaemyrtus has two centres of variation: (i) the main Boyacá population (most similar to H. cymobrathys); (ii) the population in the Bogotá area, whence there is a north-eastward trend in leaf shape towards the narrower leaves characteristic of the type.