Hypericum erectum var. erectum vaniotii (Nomenclature)
Stems c. 0.3–1 m tall, solitary or loosely caespitose, erect. Leaves 30–60 × (12–)15–30 mm, apex attenuate to subacute; laminar and intramarginal glands black. Sepals unequal, 4–7 mm long, oblong or lanceolate, attenuate and acute, entire, laminar glands black, linear to punctiform, marginal glands black. Petals 9–10 mm, oblong, laminar glands mainly linear. Ovary 3–3.5 mm long or often longer; styles 3.6–4 mm and longer than ovary or c. 3 mm and shorter. Capsule (6–)8–11 mm long. Seeds c. 1 mm long.
Russia (S. Sakhalin, Kurile Is.–Kunashiri), Japan (Hokkaidō, N. Honshū).
The form with the largest parts, and the one most closely related to 30. H. nuporense.
Léveillé differentiated ‘H. vanioti’ from H. erectum in the key (in French); but on p. 500 he gave a Latin description of ‘11. Vanioti Lévl. nov. subsp.’. Kimura (1951, p. 139) and Lauener (1966, p. 2) treated the key name as a nomen and his later use of the rank of subspecies as valid; but it seems more likely that Léveillé intended to accept this taxon as a species. He numbered it 11 in his list of species and commented: “Cette forme ne saurait rentrer dans [No. 10] H. erectum Thunberg . . . . . .’. Taken in conjunction with his use of specific rank in the key, it seems best to accept his nov. subsp. as a typographic error for nov. sp.
Despite Léveillé’s use of the same epithet, H. erectum race vaniotii H. Léveillé has its own type and is not based on H. vaniotii H. Léveillé.