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Hypericum papuanum Ridl.
Genus: HypericumSection: sect. Humifusoideum
Synonyms: 5
Shrub or shrublet 0.1-1.3(-2) m tall, densely or more usually sparsely branched and spreading, with branches ascending, lax, creeping and rooting at the base. Stems 2-4-lined when young, eventually terete, eglandular. Leaves sessile or subsessile; lamina 6- 25(-40) x 3- 1 7 mm, narrowly to broadly ovate or ovate-triangular to elliptic or suborbicular, concolorous, not glaucous, plane, spreading or subimbricate-ascending; apex subacute (or rarely acute) to rounded, base rounded to cordate; venation: 4-5(6) pairs of main lateral veins, curved-parallel or divergent, much branched to form lax tertiary reticulation; laminar glands pale, linear towards base and distally striiform to punctiform or wholly striiform to punctiform; inframarginal glands dense, pale and/or black. Inflorescence 1-flowered, without or with flowering branches in uppermost axils, or regularly dichasial or mixed dichasial/pseudo-dichotomous; pedicels 4-20 mm in fruit. Flowers 18-26 mm in diam., stellate; buds ovoid to ellipsoid, subacute. Sepals 3-7(-8) x l-2.5(-3.5) mm, imbricate, subequal to unequal, ovate to lanceolate or narrowly oblong or sometimes broadly ovate and foliaceous, acute to rounded, entire; veins 7-9, forking and distally branching; laminar glands pale, linear; inframarginal glands black or absent. Petals bright yellow, not tinged red, 9-15 x 4-9 mm, 2-3 x sepals, narrowly obovate- elliptic, rounded, apiculus short or obsolete; laminar glands pale, wholly linear or distally striiform; marginal glands absent or few to numerous, black, often only in apiculus, not or scarcely prominent. Stamens not obviously fascicled, (15-)25-40(-50), longest 6-9 mm, c. 0.75 x petals; anther gland amber or occasionally black. Ovary (2-)2.5-3(-4) x 1.5-1.8 mm, narrowly or rarely broadly ovoid, acute; styles 3(4-6), 2-3(-4) mm long, 0.75-1 x ovary, divergent; stigmas narrowly to broadly capitate; placentae 3(4-6), parietal. Capsule (5-)7-9(-10) x 3-4.5 mm, 1.3 x sepals, narrowly or rarely broadly ovoid to ellipsoid, with valves longitudinally vittate. Seeds yellow-brown to dark brown, 0.1-0.9 mm long, scarcely carinate; testa densely linear-foveolate to linear-scalariform.