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Hypericum cerastioides (Spach) N. Robson
Genus: HypericumSection: sect. Campylopus
Synonyms: 12
Suffrutex or perennial herb 0.6–0.22(–0.25) m tall, erect to decumbent or rarely prostrate, from taproot, with stems few to numerous, caespitose, erect to spreading and rooting, unbranched or usually branched below inflorescence, often throughout. Stems shortly whitish-pubescent; internodes 5–35 mm long, shorter to longer than leaves. Leaves spreading to erect, not glaucous; lamina (5–)8–30 × 2–12 mm, broadly to narrowly elliptic or rarely ovate-lanceolate to narrowly oblong, concolorous, chartaceous, shortly whitish-pubescent with longer hairs on midrib below; apex obtuse to rounded, margin plane, base rounded-amplexicaul to cuneate; venation: 2 pairs of lateral veins from lower third of midrib, sometimes branching, larger leaves with obscure tertiary reticulation; laminar glands pale, dense; intramarginal glands pale and sometimes black, subregularly spaced. Inflorescence 1–5-flowered, from 1(2–3) nodes, sometimes with flowering branches from lower nodes to middle of stem or beyond, the whole subcorymbiform to rarely subpyramidal; pedicels 7–15 mm, slender; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, without black glands. Flowers 20–50 mm in diam.; buds globose, nodding. Sepals ± unequal, free, broadly imbricate, paler than leaves, 5–10 × 1.5–8 mm, enlarging in fruit, narrowly to broadly elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, obtuse (or rarely acute) to rounded, base cuneate, entire; veins 7–9, branching and anastomosing; laminar glands pale, linear to striiform; marginal glands absent. Petals golden yellow, not tinged red, 9–21 × 5–13 mm, c. 2 × sepals, oblanceolate to obovate, rounded, apiculus absent; laminar glands pale, linear to striiform; marginal glands black, quite dense, round margin and sometimes a few intramarginal. Stamens c. 60–100, ‘fascicles usually all basally united, longest 5–10 mm, c. 0.5 × petals. Ovary 3–6 × 2–4 mm, broadly ovoid to ovoid-elliptic; styles 2.5–4.5 mm, divergent, c. 0.8 × ovary. Capsule 5–12 × 4–10 mm, broadly ovoid to globose. Seeds dark brown, 1.5-2 mm; testa foveolate-scalariform.