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Hypericum decandrum Turcz.
Section: sect. BrathysSubsection: subsect. Brathys
Synonyms: 1
- isotype: BM - Jameson - 62
- isotype: K - Jameson - 62
- holotype: LE - Jameson - 62
- isotype: W - Jameson - 62
Shrub orshrublet (or perennial herb?) 0.1-0.6 m tall, erect or decumbent and rooting with branches strict, basal (from decumbent and rooting portion) and pseudo-dichotomous or sometimes lateral. Stems reddish-brown to yellowish-brown, 4-6-lined when young, soon 2-lined, eventually terete, cortex exfoliating in irregular flakes; internodes 1-5 mm long. Leavessessile, erect and subimbricate to narrowly spreading or slightly outcurving, deciduous above the base before fading; lamina 4-15 x 0.7-3 mm, ± narrowly oblanceolate to narrowly oblong, ± incurved-cucullate, midrib distally prominent otherwise impressed or plane beneath, concolorous or with margin rather narrowly hyaline, lustrous pale green, not glaucous, subcoriaceous; apex acute, base angustate, broadening below, not or scarcely sheathing, pairs united to form narrow interfoliar ridge; basal vein 1, unbranched or with 1-2 pairs of obscure lateral branches; laminar glands dense, visible above only, or obscure. Inflorescence 1 -flowered, with pseudo-dichotomous branches from node below; pedicel 2.5-7 mm long; upper leaves not transitional. Flowers 6-20 mm in diam., stellate. Sepals 3.5-9 x 1-3 mm, narrowly elliptic to narrowly oblong, acute, compressed-cucullate, green (not reddish); veins 5-7, unbranched, sometimes becoming prominent; glands linear, punctiform in distal third to half. Petals bright yellow tinged red (? always), 5-9 x 2-3 mm, 0.9-1.2 x sepals, obovate-oblong to oblanceolate-oblong; apiculus acute; glands absent. Stamens (5)10-45, longest 2.5-4 mm long, c. 0.5 x petals. Ovary 2.5-3 x 1-1.5 mm, ellipsoid; styles 3(4), 1.5-3 mm long, c. 0.5-1 x ovary, divergent; stigma narrowly to broadly capitate. Capsule 3-5.5 x 2-3 mm, ellipsoid to cylindric-ellipsoid, shorter than sepals. Seeds 0.7-0.8 mm long, ecarinate; testa finely scalariform.