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Hypericum magniflorum Cuatrec.
Section: sect. BrathysSubsection: subsect. Brathys
- holotype: COL - Cuatrecasas, Smith - 12634
- isotype: GH - Cuatrecasas, Smith - 12634
- isotype: F - Cuatrecasas, Smith - 12634
- isotype: P - Cuatrecasas, Smith - 12634
- isotype: U - Cuatrecasas, Smith - 12634
Shrub 1-2.5 m tall, erect, with branches strict, mostly pseudo-dichotomous, sometimes lateral. Stems yellow-brown, 4-lined when young, without epidermal emergences, soon terete, cortex flaking irregularly; internodes 2-3 mm long. Leaves sessile, spreading abruptly from above base, ± tetrastichous, becoming brown but not deflexed, persistent until cortex is shed; lamina 10-18 x 4-8 mm, elliptic to oblanceolate-spathulate, plane, slightly cucullate, carinate, concolorous or paler beneath, not glaucous, chartaceous; apex acute to obtuse-apiculate, base angustate, sheathing , pairs united to form very narrow interfoliar ridge ; basal veins 5-7 , parallel or almost so , branching distally, with tertiary reticulation sometimes visible beneath ; laminar glands dense above, sparse or absent beneath, slightly prominent. Inflorescence 1-flowered, sometimes with several short flowering branches crowded together, usually with pseudo-dichotomous branches from 1st or 2nd node below; pedicel up to 5 mm long; upper leaves transitional. Flowers c. 35 mm in diam., stellate. Sepals9-11x 3.5-5 mm, broadly oblong to obovate-spathulate, acute to obtuse; veins 11-19, dichotomising distally, with midrib scarcely prominent beneath; glands punctiform in upper third. Petals rich yellow, 16-22 x 12-14 mm, c. 2 x sepals, obovate- oblanceolate; apiculus acute; glands punctiform distally. Stamens c. 80, longest 9-11 mm long, c. 0.5 x petals. Ovary 4-5 x 2-3 mm, broadly ellipsoid to subglobose; styles 3, 5-9 mm long, 1.5-2 x ovary, erect, free, outcurved below apex; stigmas slightly enlarged to broadly capitate. Capsule c. 7 x 5 mm, broadly ellipsoid, shorter than sepals. Seeds not seen.