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Hypericum monroi N. Robson
Section: sect. BrathysSubsection: subsect. Brathys
- isotype: MEXU - Monro, De Gracia - 4093
- holotype: BM - Monro, De Gracia - 4093
- isotype: PMA - Monro, De Gracia - 4093
- isotype: SCZ - Monro, De Gracia - 4093
- isotype: MO - Monro, De Gracia - 4093
- isotype: MEXU - Monro, De Gracia - 4093
- holotype: BM - Monro, De Gracia - 4093
- isotype: PMA - Monro, De Gracia - 4093
- isotype: SCZ - Monro, De Gracia - 4093
- isotype: MO - Monro, De Gracia - 4093
Shrub 0.5-1.5 m tall, erect, with branches strict, lateral and pseudo-dichotomous. Stems ferrugineous, 4-lined to terete, cortex eventually exfoliating irregularly; internodes 2.5-4.5 mm long. Leaves sessile, dark green, densely to loosely imbricate, spreading to outcurving and twisting, not tetrastichous, deciduous above base without fading; lamina 6-12 ´ 0.4-1.2 mm, linear, incurved but not cucullate, midrib impressed beneath, margin not or very narrowly hyaline, concolorous, not glaucous, coriaceous; apex acicular, base parallel, not sheathing, pairs united to form narrow interfoliar ridge; vein 1, unbranched; laminar glands dense, not or scarcely visible beneath. Inflorescence 1-flowered, often with pseudo-dichotomous branches from node below; pedicel 1-2 mm long, not incrassate upwards; upper leaves not transitional. Flowers 8-10(-15?) mm in diam, stellate (to urceolate?). Sepals 5-7 ´ 0.7-1.1 mm, linear, acute, erect, margin very narrowly hyaline towards base or not at all ; veins 5, midrib not prominent; glands linear. Petals bright egg-yolk yellow (vitellinus), 8-9 ´c. 5 mm, c. 1.5 ´ sepals, obovate; apiculus sharply acute; glands shortly striiform, very sparse or absent. Stamensc. 30, longest 4-6 mm long, 0.5-0.7 ´ petals. Ovary 1.5 ´ 1.5 mm, ovoid-subglobose; styles 3, 2 mm long, 1.3 ´ ovary; stigmas distinctly capitate. Capsule 4-5 ´c. 3 mm, ovoid-subglobose. Seeds not seen.