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sect. Inodora Stef.
Genus: Hypericum
Shrub up to 1-5 m tall, deciduous, glabrous, without dark glands; branching lateral. Stems 4-lined, ± compressed when young, becoming 2-lined. Leaves opposite, decussate, shortly petiolate, free, deciduous at basal articulation; lamina entire, with venation pinnate, closed, the tertiary, densely reticulate; laminar glands punctiform, pale; marginal gland dots pale; ventral glands absent. Inflorescence 1-c. 30-flowered, branching dichasial/monochasial from 1-3 nodes, sometimes with subsidiary branches; bracts and bracteoles foliar or reduced, sometimes sepalline. Flowers stellate, homostylous. Sepals 5, free, persistent, with margin entire or glandular: veins (3)5-7, reticulately branched; laminar glands linear to punctiform, pale; marginal glands absent or sessile to shortly stipitate, yellowish. Petals 5, persistent, without apiculus, margin glandular; laminar glands numerous, pale, linear. Stamen fascicles 5, free, persistent, each with c. 10 stamens; filaments united very shortly; anthers yellow, gland amber; pollen type III. Ovary with 3-4 loosely axile placentae, ∞ -ovulate; styles 3-4, free; stigma small. Capsule 3-4-valved, subcoriaceous, longitudinally vittate. Seeds cylindric, not carinate or winged, without winglike apical expansion; testa linear-reticulate.