Arthrophyllum (Nomenclature)
Shrubs, low, compact and rounded to prostrate, up to c. 0.9 m tall, eventually deciduous below but never leafless, glabrous, sometimes with reddish to dark glands; branching lateral. Stems 2-4(6)-lined and ancipitous when young, soon 2-lined, not usually becoming terete in first season, obscurely glandular; cortex greenish to reddish brown; bark smooth, whitish grey. Leaves opposite, decussate, sessile, free or perfoliate, deciduous at basal articulation; lamina entire, with venation pinnate, closed, the tertiary densely reticulate; laminar glands pale, punctiform; marginal glands dots pale, dense, relatively large; ventral glands absent. Inflorescence 1-c. 40-flowered, with branches dichasial/monochasial from 1-5 nodes, without lower flowering branches; bracts and bracteoles reduced, entire or black-gland-fringed. Flowers stellate, homostylous. Sepals 5, free or basally connate, imbricate above, persistent, erect in fruit, with margin entire or reddish- to black-gland-fringed; laminar glands linear; marginal glands sessile or on short denticles or submarginal; inframarginal glands absent. Petals 5, persistent, spreading and twisting after flowering, with apiculus obsolete or absent; margin entire; marginal glands absent; laminar glands linear to punctiform or rarely absent. Stamen fascicles 3 (i.e. united 2+2+1), distinct, persistent, with stamens 20-40; filaments basally united; anthers yellow, gland amber; pollen types I, IV. Ovary with 3 axile placentae, ∞-ovulate; styles 3, free, bases separate; stigmas narrow or narrowly capitate. Capsule 3-valved, subcoriaceous, with valves longitudinally vittate. Seeds narrowly cylindric, ecarinate; testa minutely rugulose.
Crevices in calcareous rocks, 100-1800 m.
S. Turkey, Syria, Lebanon.
5 species.