Triadenoides (Nomenclature)
Shrubs or shrublets, erect to prostrate, up to c. 0.6 m tall, deciduous below but never wholly leafless, glabrous or rarely with innovations and lower surface of leaves puberulous, sometimes with dark glands; branching lateral. Stems 4-6-lined and compressed (ancipitous) when young, becoming terete in second season, eglandular or rarely with a few dark glands; cortex green to red; bark smooth to finely ribbed-striate, grey-brown to red-brown. Leaves opposite or 3-whorled, decussate, sessile or petiolate, free, deciduous at basal articulation; lamina entire, with venation pinnate and partly open or 1-nerved, the tertiary reticulation obscure (or absent?); laminar glands pale or rarely dark, punctiform; submarginal dark glands rarely present; marginal or intramarginal gland dots pale, dense or rather sparse, similar to laminar ones; ventral glands absent. Inflo- rescence 1-13-flowered, with branches dichasial/monochasial (sometimes subopposite) from 1-2 nodes or subumbellate, without lower flowering branches; bracts and bracteoles reduced or bracts foliar, entire. Flowers stellate, homostylous. Sepals 5, free or slightly basally connate, persistent, erect to recurved in fruit, with margin entire or rarely dark-gland-fringed; veins 3-7; laminar glands pale, linear to punctiform; marginal glands on denticles or subsessile or absent; submarginal glands absent or dark; inframarginal glands absent. Petals 5, persistent, spreading or erect but not twisting after flowering, with apiculus subterminal, short or absent; margin entire; marginal glands absent, laminar glands linear to punctiform, pale or rarely reddish to black. Stamen fascicles 3 (i.e. united 2+2+1), distinct, persistent, with stamens (10-)20-40(-60); filaments basally or up to c. 0.4 united; anthers yellow, gland amber or rarely black; pollen types IV, VI. Ovary with 3 loosely axile placentae, each many- to few-ovulate; styles free, bases distinct, contiguous; stigmas narrowly to scarcely capitate. Capsule 3-valved, coriaceous to subcoriaceous, with valves prominently longitudinally vittate or verrucose. Seeds narrowly cylindric, narrowly or not carinate, proximally complanate; testa reticulate-foveolate to linear-foveolate or rugulose.
Limestone or less commonly conglomerate or granitic rocks or slopes; 0-1900 m.
Socotra, south Turkey, Syria, Lebanon.
5 species.
Note: In Part 9 p. 32¸ H. musadoganii Yildirimli was included in Sect. 23 on the basis of the description only. I have not seen a specimen. Dr.....has kindly pointed out that this name is a synonym of H. crenulatum Boiss. (sect. 18. Taeniocarpium).