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sect. Adenotrias (Jaub. & Spach) R. Keller
Genus: Hypericum
Shrubs and shrublets, erect to prostrate, up to 2 m tall, glabrous, without dark glands; branching lateral. Stems 4- to 2-lined, glandular; cortex green, bark smooth, grey-brown to pale grey. Leaves opposite, decussate, sessile, free, deciduous at basal articulation, homomorphic; lamina entire, with venation pinnate and open or 1- nerved, without tertiary reticulation; laminar glands punctiform; marginal glands dense to rather sparse; ventral glands absent. Inflorescence 1-8-flowered, with branches dichasial, from terminal node only or also from lower nodes, sometimes with a 'sterile' intermediate zone; bracts and bracteoles reduced. Flowers hypocrateriform to almost tubular, heterostylous. Sepals 5, free, persistent, erect in fruit, with margin entire; veins 5-9; laminar glands linear; submarginal glands present; marginal and inframarginal glands absent. Petals 5, persistent, erect and apically twisting or deciduous after flowering, the apiculus absent, with basal entire ligulate appendage; margin entire; marginal and laminar glands absent. Stamen fascicles 3 (i.e. united 2+2+1), dimorphic, distinct, with stamens 9-c. 48 (3-20 per fascicle); filaments united to above middle; anthers yellow, gland amber; pollen type V. Fasciclodes 3, subglobose, alternating with fascicles. Ovary with 3 axile placentae, each ∞- or 2-ovulate; styles 3, dimorphic, bases contiguous; stigmas rather narrowly capitate. Capsule 3-valved, subcoriaceous, with valves finely longitudinally vittate. Seeds cylindric, ecarinate, with distal caruncle; testa finely linear-rugulose or linear-foveolate to linear-scalariform.