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Hypericum beanii N. Robson
Genus: HypericumSection: sect. Ascyreia
Synonyms: 4
Shrub 0.6-2 m tall, bushy, with branches erect or arching. Stems red to orange, 4-angled and ancipitous at first, eventually terete; internodes 5-40(-50) mm long, shorter than or exceeding leaves; bark reddish brown. Leaves petiolate, with petiole 1-2.5 mm long; lamina 25-65 x 10-35 mm, narrowly elliptic to oblong-elliptic or more rarely narrowly lanceolate, acute to apiculate-obtuse or lower ones rounded, margin plane, base cuneate to rounded, paler or glaucous beneath, chartaceous to subcoriaceous; venation: (2)3-5 pairs of main laterals, all free or the upper forming a partial undulating intramarginal vein, the midrib branching distally, with lax obscure tertiary reticulum; laminar glands dots and short to ± long streaks, ventral glands dense, sometimes only near midrib, or absent. Inflorescence 1-14-flowered, from apical node, subcorymbiform, often with lateral flowering branches below; pedicels 3-20 mm long; bracts foliar to narrowly lanceolate, persistent. Flowers 30-45 mm in diam., stellate to slightly cyathiform; buds ovoid-conic to broadly ovoid, acute to apiculate-obtuse. Sepals 6-11(-14) x 3-6.5(-10) mm, free, imbricate (sometimes markedly so), equal or subequal, spreading in bud and fruit, elliptic to narrowly ovate or oblong, acute to subacuminate, basally imbricate with margin hyaline, entire or distally minutely denticulate; midrib conspicuous, ± prominent, veins rarely conspicuous; laminar glands linear, ± interrupted distally, c. 10-14. Petals golden yellow, not red-tinged, spreading, 15-33 x 10-30 mm, c. 2-4.5 x sepals, oblong-obovate, with apiculus lateral to subterminal, obtuse; margin entire to irregularly eroded-denticulate, eglandular. Stamen fascicles each with 40-55 stamens, longest 10-17 mm long, 0.5-0.7 x petals; anthers golden yellow. Ovary 9-10 x 4-5 mm, narrowly ovoid-conic; styles 4-5 mm long, 0.5 x ovary, free, suberect, outcurved near apex; stigmas narrowly capitate to truncate. Capsule 15-20 x 8-11 mm, narrowly ovoid-conic to ovoid. Seeds dark reddish- to purplish-brown, 1-1.5 mm long, narrowly cylindric, broadly carinate, shallowly linear-reticulate.