Hypericum henryi (Nomenclature)
Shrub 0-5-3 m tall, bushy, with stems erect to arching, not or weakly (?) frondose. Stems reddish to yellowish, 4-lined and ancipitous when young, usually eventually 2-lined or terete; internodes 10-20 mm long, usually shorter than leaves; bark reddish-brown. Leaves subsessile or with petiole to c. 1 mm long; lamina 10-40 x 4-16 mm, narrowly elliptic or elliptic-oblong to lanceolate or ovate, acute to obtuse or more rarely rounded, margin plane, base angustate or cuneate to rounded, densely glaucous beneath, chartaceous; venation: 2-3(4) pairs main laterals, with midrib branched distally, without or with scarcely visible lax tertiary reticulum; laminar glands streaks and dots; ventral glands sparse to dense. Inflorescence l-5(-7)-flowered, from 1-2 nodes, subcorymbiform, usually with short apical internode, sometimes with l(2)-flowered branches from middle region of stem; pedicels 4-7 mm long; bracts narrowly oblong to lanceolate, deciduous. Flowers 15-52 mm in diam., stellate-incurved to cyathiform; buds broadly ovoid to globose, subacute to rounded. Sepals 4-9 x 2.5-6 mm, free, imbricate, unequal, erect or (?) rarely ± spreading bud and fruit, oblong or elliptic to obovate-spathulate or broadly ovate or circular, acute (rarely) or apiculate to obtuse or rounded, with margin entire or ± eroded-denticulate, hyaline; midrib distinct or not, veins not or rarely slightly prominent; laminar glands linear to punctiform, numerous; intramarginal glands dense. Petals golden to pale yellow, sometimes tinged red, ± spreading or incurved, 8-25 x 6-15 mm, 2-4 x sepals, narrowly to broadly obovate, with apiculus lateral, rounded to obscure; margin entire, with a row of inframarginal gland dots. Stamen fascicles each with (30-)40-60 stamens, longest 5-13 mm long, c. 0.5 x petals; anthers deep yellow. Ovary 3.5-7 x 2.5-5.5 mm, ± broadly ovoid; styles 2.5-6 mm long, 0.7-1.2 x ovary, erect, outcurved towards apex; stigmas scarcely capitate. Capsule 9-12 x 8-10 mm, narrowly ovoid-pyramidal to subglobose. Seeds dark brown, 1-1.2 mm long, cylindric, not or scarcely carinate, shallowly linear-foveolate.
In dry, usually open habitats (slopes, thickets, open forest); 1300-3314 m.
China (Yunnan, west Guizhou, south Sichuan), Vietnam (north), Burma (Shan, Kachin), Thailand (north), Indonesia (north Sumatra).
H. henryi is the basic member of the patulum group, the form of subsp. hancockii from southern Yunnan being the most closely related to H. lacei; but it is very variable and not easy to differentiate from H. patulum and H. uralum. Indeed it would be possible to treat it as one very variable species (H. patulum), with five subspecies. In view of the nomenclatural history of the group, however, it seems preferable to recognise three species (H. henryi, H. patulum and H. uralum), two of the subspecies of henryi forming intermediate taxa between H. henryi subsp. hancockii and the other species. Thus subsp. hancockii (southern Yunnan, adjacent Burma, Vietnam and Thailand, and northern Sumatra) is linked northeastwards to H. patulum by subsp. henryi and northwestwards to H. uralum by subsp. uraloides.