Concinna (Nomenclature)
Perennial herbs or sometimes suffrutices up to 0.45 m tall, with stems erect or sometimes ascending from woody taproot or caudex, glabrous, with dark glands; branching lateral, from lower nodes. Stems 4-lined when young, becoming 2-lined to terete, eglandular. Leaves opposite, decussate, sessile to shortly petiolate, free, tardily deciduous, often conduplicate, sometimes falcate; lamina entire with venation pinnate, closed, with tertiary reticulation obscure; laminar glands pale and sometimes black, punctiform, equal; marginal gland dots dark, dense, small; ventral resin glands absent. Inflorescence 1-c. 17-flowered with branching mostly or wholly monochasial, terminal, sometimes with subsidiary branches from 1-2 nodes below; bracts and bracteoles reduced, persistent. Flowers stellate, homostylous. Sepals 5, free, persistent, erect in fruit, with margin entire to eroded-denticulate; veins 7-11; laminar glands pale, linear; marginal or submarginal glands few, dark or absent Petals 5, persistent, with apiculus absent or almost so; margin entire or undulate-crenate; marginal glands absent or few, dark; laminar glands pale, linear to striiform. Stamen fascicles 5, united 2+2+1 (i.e. '3'), persistent, with stamens totalling 40-c. 100; central 4 filaments united above the base, the rest at the base; anthers yellow, gland amber; pollen type X. Ovary with central column and 3 axile placentae, ¥-ovulate; styles 3, divergent; stigmas narrowly capitate. Capsule 3-valved, subcoriaceous? with valves narrowly longitudinally vittate. Seeds cylindric, not carinate or winged or terminally expanded; testa minutely shallowly pitted.
Basic chromosome number (x). 8, ploidy 2.
Dry slopes and ridges; 390-900 m.
U.S.A. (northern California)
1 species.