Hypericum oaxacanum (Nomenclature)
Suffrutex or wiry perennial herb, 0.13–1 m tall, erect to ascending from creeping, rooting and branching base, often branched above or rarely from most nodes, with branches ascending. Stems 2–4-lined and sometimes ancipitous above, 2-lined to terete below, turning vinous red, eglandular; internodes 5–60 mm, exceeding to shorter than leaves. Leaves sessile to subsessile; lamina 10–50 × 4–25 mm, broadly ovate or broadly elliptic to lanceolate or narrowly elliptic or oblanceolate, paler beneath, subcoriaceous to chartaceous; apex rounded to truncate, margin plane to revolute, base truncate-subamplexicaul to narrowly cuneate; venation: 3–5(6) main laterals from lower third to half of midrib, tertiary reticulation dense, more visible beneath; laminar glands pale or partly (rarely wholly) black usually large, dense; intramarginal glands black, dense. Inflorescence 1–45(–70)-flowered, from 1–4 nodes, dense to rather lax, sometimes with flowering branches from up to 4 nodes below, the whole broadly pyramidal to subcorymbiform; pedicels 1–5 mm; bracts foliose, sometimes reduced, bracteoles 4–8 mm, linear-subulate to lanceolate, entire or with sessile to subsessile black glands proximally. Flowers 20–30 mm in diam., stellate; buds ellipsoid, acute, sometimes red-tinged or -veined. Sepals 5, subequal, free, 4.5–7 × 1–2 mm, linear-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, entire or with ± prominent marginal glands proximally; veins 5–7, outer branching and sometime anastomosing; laminar glands pale or rarely 1–2 black, linear to striiform; marginal glands black, few, ± prominent or absent. Petals 5, golden yellow, 10–14 × 3.5–5 mm, c. 2 × sepals, oblanceolate, rounded, entire; laminar glands pale or very rarely black, linear to striiform; marginal glands black or rarely a few pale, intramarginal or sessile, dense to absent. Stamens c. 30–50, ‘3’-fascicled, longest 9–13 mm, c. 0.9 × petals; anther gland black. Ovary 2–3 × 1.5–2 mm, ovoid to ellipsoid; styles 3(4), 6–10.5 mm, 3–3.5 × ovary, divergent; stigmas narrowly capitate. Capsule 6–9 × 2.5–4 mm, narrowly to rather broadly ovoid; valves longitudinally vittate. Seeds yellow-brown, c. 0.6 mm long; testa densely reticulate-scalariform.
Open grassy slopes in, or on margins of, Quercus or Pinus forest; 1500–3289 m.
Hypericum oaxacanum occurs in three separate areas: (i) the Perote-Orizaba region of Veracruz; (ii) Chiapas and adjacent Guatemala, and (iii) Oaxaca to Veracruz (Orizaba), México and Michoacán. A morphological reduction trend follows this geographical route, i.e. beginning and ending in the Orizaba region of Veracruz, thus forming a Rassenkreis (circle of forms). This circle is practically continuous, the Chiapas populations linking those of region (i) with the Oaxaca ones; but the distributional gap at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec corresponds with a ‘thinning out’ of the northward variation trend, which therefore allows H. oaxacanum to be treated (conveniently if not entirely logically) as two subspecies.