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Hypericum wightianum Wall.
Genus: HypericumSection: sect. Monanthema
Synonyms: 9
- lectotype: K-W - Wallich - 4818
- type: BM - Wight - 336
- syntype: K - Wight - 336
- isolectotype: K - Wallich - 4818
Perennial or annual herb (0.08-)0.13-0.45 m tall, erect to decumbent or procumbent from creeping and rooting base, with stems single or few, clustered, usually branched above but rarely throughout, with branches short, spreading-ascending. Stems shallowly 2-lined or terete, eglandular; internodes 9-50(-75) mm, usually longer than leaves. Leaves sessile to shortly petiolate (especially lower ones); lamina (6)10-30 ´ (3-)5-15(-19) mm, broadly elliptic to obovate or ovate, paler beneath, not glaucous, plane, thinly chartaceous; apex rounded or rarely acute to apiculate-obtuse (Meghalaya), margin entire or (upper) sometimes basally or wholly reddish- to black-glandular-ciliate and with reddish- to black-glandular-ciliate auricles, base rounded to cordate; venation: 2-3 pairs of main laterals from lower third of midrib, with tertiary reticulation scarcely visible beneath, dense; laminar glands pale or rarely a few black, punctiform to striiform, varying in size; intramarginal glands dense or irregular, black. Inflorescence 1-c. 50-flowered, from 1-2(3) nodes, the whole laxly corymbiform or broadly pyramidal to capitate-cylindric or bifurcated; pedicels 2-3 mm; bracts and bracteoles ovate or lanceolate to linear, with black-glandular-ciliate margin and auricles, persistent. Flowers 5-8(-11) mm in diam., stellate; buds ellipsoid, subacute. Sepals 5, 2.5-5(-6) ´ 1.5-3 mm, equal, narrowly to broadly oblong or elliptic, acute to obtuse, glandular-ciliate to -laciniate or very rarely entire; veins 3(5), unbranched; laminar glands all pale or some black, linear to punctiform, scattered; marginal glands reddish to black, on cilia, sometimes alternating with intramarginal black gland dots, or very rarely all intramarginal. Petals 5, bright yellow, not tinged red in bud, 3-5 ´ 1.2-1.6 mm, c. 1-1.2 ´ sepals, elliptic-oblong, rounded to acute, margin entire or apically glandular-ciliate, laminar glands absent, marginal glands black, few, distal and subapical, sessile. Stamens c. 7-11, '3'-fascicled, longest 2.5-4 mm, c. 0.8-0.9 ´ petals; anther gland black. Ovary 1-locular, 1.5- 3 ´ c. 1 mm, ovoid to globose; styles 3, 1.5-2-5 mm, 0.9-1 ´ ovary, divergent; stigmas narrowly capitate. Capsule 3-4.5(-6) ´ c. 3-4 mm, broadly ovoid to subglobose, equalling or slightly exceeding sepals; valves with c. 7-9 longitudinal vittae. Seeds brown, c. 0.5 mm; testa finely scalariform.