Hypericum hirtellum (Nomenclature)
Perennial herb, 0.07–0.66 m tall, usually partly whitish-pubescent, erect to decumbent, branching and sometimes rooting at base, sterile shoots not distinct. Stems whitish-pubescent or very rarely glabrous, with numerous small amber or reddish punctiform glands, not prominent; internodes 5–20 mm, shorter than leaves. Leaves sessile, spreading, glaucous, whitish-pubescent on both sides or very rarely undulate-papillose above and glabrous beneath; lamina 4–25 × 1.5–4 mm, linear or rarely narrowly lanceolate, apex rounded or apiculate, margin revolute, base cuneate, 1-veined or with one near-basal pair of lateral branches, with laminar glands pale, numerous, small, marginal glands absent. Inflorescence ∞-flowered, narrowly pyramidal to cylindric or interrupted-subspicate, 40–180 mm long, whitish-pubescent, with lateral cymules (1)3–11-flowered; mostly monochasial, rarely with flowering branches below; bracts linear, entire, bracteoles lanceolate, sparsely black-glandular-fimbriate. Flowers 10–15 mm in diam., with petals becoming deflexed; buds ellipsoid, subacute to rounded. Sepals equal, c. ¼ united, 2–4 × 1–2 mm, broadly elliptic to linear, obtuse to acute, whitish-puberulous (at least along nerves) or very rarely wholly glabrous; veins 3, not prominent; margin glandular-fimbriate with glands black, obconic; laminar glands 2, pale, linear or interrupted. Petals bright? yellow, rarely red-tinged, 4–8 × 2–5 mm, 2 × sepals, obovate, unguiculate,acutely apiculate to rounded, margin with 1–10 subapical black glandular cilia. Stamens c. 25, longest c. 5-7 mm, filaments yellow. Ovary 1.3–2 × 1–2 mm, broadly ovoid; styles c. 4 mm, c. 2 × ovary. Capsule 3–4 × 3 mm, globose, not rostrate; vittae narrow, laterals sometimes becoming subvesicular. Seeds reddish-brown, c. 2.5 mm long.
2n = 28, n =14 (Reynaud, 1980).
Sandy soil, usually calcareous; c. 300–2000 m.
West Iran, east-central Iraq.