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Hypericum fissurale Woronow
Genus: HypericumSection: sect. Taeniocarpium
- holotype: TBI - Woronow - 5666
- isotype: LE - Woronow - 5666
- type: BM - Woronow - 5666
- isotype: S - Woronow - 5666
- type: E - Woronow - 5666
- type: K - Woronow - 5666
Perennial herb, c. 0.15–0.22 m tall, glabrous, erect or ascending from woody base, caespitose to somewhat diffuse, often rooting, without axillary shoots. Stems shallowly (4)2-lined, green or glaucous, eglandular; internodes 5–16 mm, all except lower exceeding leaves. Leaves sessile to 0.5 mm petiolate, thinly coriaceous, paler beneath, 8–12 × 2.5–5 mm, elliptic to narrowly oblong or more rarely oblanceolate, apex rounded, margin plane, base rounded to cuneate, with 2 pairs of ascending lateral veins; laminar glands pale, punctiform, dense, absent from lower midrib area; intramarginal glands pale (not black as in original description), dense. Inflorescence 2–c. 12-flowered, corymbiform, congested, 10–15 × 10–20 mm, with lateral branches straight, cymules 1–7-flowered, without flowering branches below; bracts and bracteoles ovate to oblong, densely black-glandular-denticulate. Flowers c. 17 mm in diam., petals erect after flowering; buds globose, rounded. Sepals equal, free, slightly imbricate, 3–4 × 1.5–2(–3) mm, elliptic-oblong to obovate, rounded; veins 3, not branching or prominent; margin wholly densely black-glandular-denticulate, glands globose; laminar glands pale, linear and sometimes punctiform. Petals pale yellow, not? tinged red, c. 8–10 × 3 mm, 2.5 × sepals, elliptic; marginal glands black, few, subapical, sessile or on cilia or absent; laminar glands absent. Stamens c. 25, longest 8 mm, c. 0.8 × petals; filaments yellow. Ovary 3 × 2 mm, ovoid; styles 4 mm, 1.3 × ovary. Capsule ovoid. Seeds very minutely papillose.