Hypericum fragile (Nomenclature)
Perennial herb, 0.04–0.11(–0.16) m tall or long, glabrous, with stems suberect or straggling from woody branching base. Stems 2-lined, glaucous, fragile (articulated at nodes); internodes 2.5–9 mm, shorter than to exceeding leaves. Leaves 0.5–1 mm petiolate, base articulated, bifarious, rather fleshy, glaucous, 2–7 × 2–4 mm, subcircular to ovate-lanceolate or narrowly oblong-elliptic, apex rounded, margin plane, base truncate to cuneate, midrib sometimes branched; laminar glands pale, punctiform, dense, small and occasionally some larger, scattered or distal, sometimes appearing dark; marginal glands all pale or one or two dark, dense, without apical black gland. Inflorescence 1–8-flowered, from 1–3 nodes, subcorymbiform, crowded, branching monochasial; bracts and bracteoles elliptic-oblong, black-glandular-ciliate. Flowers c. 10–17 mm in diam., with petals erect after flowering; buds globose. Sepals equal, free, not imbricate, 3–4 × 0.5–1.5 mm, narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic, acute; veins 3, unbranched; marginal glands black, on cilia, round whole margin; laminar glands pale, linear. Petals bright yellow, sometimes veined red, (6–)8–10 × 2–3 mm, c. 2.5 × sepals, narrowly oblanceolate; marginal glands round apex, black, small, on cilia; laminar glands pale, linear to striiform. Stamens c. 40, longest c. 6 mm, 0.6–0.8 × petals; filaments and anthers yellow. Ovary 1 × 1 mm, broadly ovoid; styles 4 mm, 4 × ovary. Capsule c. 5 × 4 mm, ovoid. Seeds not seen.
Crevices of limestone rocks; (105–)500–760 m.
Greece (Sterea Ellas and Evvoia).
Hypericum fragile, with its relatively large flowers and up to 8-flowered inflorescence, resembles a small-leaved 25. marginatum rather than any of the geographically nearer species with a similar habit. The name H. fragile has been frequently misused in gardens for H. olympicum f. minus (sect.10. Olympia), but is used correctly in most, if not all, collections of alpines.