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Hypericum densiflorum Pursh
Section: sect. MyriandraSubsection: subsect. Centrosperma
Synonyms: 7
Shrub 0.6-3 m tall, erect, with branches erect, rather stiff, numerous, forming rather slender bush, but with adventitous shoots from roots sometimes producing extensive thickets. Stems green to reddish, 4- lined and ancipitous when young, soon 2-lined and rounded, becoming reddish brown and terete in 2nd season; cortex exfoliating in strips; bark smooth, thin. Leaves sessile, sometimes in immature clusters in leaf axils; lamina 20-40.5 x 2-7 mm, very narrowly elliptic-oblong or oblanceolate to linear, with margin recurved to revolute, paler and often glaucous beneath, chartaceous, deciduous at basal articulation, apex apiculate or apiculate-obtuse to subacute, base narrowly cuneate to attenuate; venation sometimes obscure beneath: c. 14-17 pairs main laterals, with subsidiaries and tertiary reticulation sometimes visible, only midrib prominent; laminar glands dense. Inflorescence c. 5-25-flowered, without accessory flowers, with (2-)5-15-flowered dichasia from 1-2 nodes below and sometimes flowering branches from lower nodes, the whole broadly pyramidal to broadly cylindric or obpyramidal; pedicels 0.5-5 mm long; bracts reduced, oblanceolate- spathulate to linear. Flowers 10-17(-20?) mm in diam.; buds broadly ovoid-ellipsoid. Sepals 5, (4-)4.5-6 x 1-1.5 mm, unequal or subequal, not enlarging but divergent to reflexed in fruit, narrowly oblong- lanceolate or narrowly oblong to oblanceolate-spathulate, subacute or apiculate to acute, margins revolute, basal veins 1-3, the laterals sometimes branched. Petals 5, deep golden yellow, becoming (incurved-) deflexed, 6-9 x 2.5-3.5 mm, obovate-oblanceolate with apiculus lateral, acute. Stamens c. 100-150, longest 4. 5-7 mm, c. 0.8 x petals. Ovary 3^(-5)-merous, 3-3.5 x 1-1.3 mm, narrowly pyramidal-ovoid, acute; placentation incompletely axile; styles 3- 4(5), 2-3 mm long, 0.7-0.85 x ovary, remaining erect, separating only as fruit matures. Capsule 5-6(-7) x 2-3 mm, narrowly ovoid-conic or narrowly ovoid to cylindric-ovoid, acute, not or scarcely lobed, exceeding sepals, thinly coriaceous. Seeds reddish brown, 0.8-1.3 mm long, not carinate; testa linear-reticulate.