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Hypericum fieriense N. Robson
Genus: HypericumSection: sect. Triadenoides
- isotype: K - Smith, Lavranos - 475
- holotype: K - Smith, Lavranos - 475
Shrub c. 1 m tall, much branched, flat-topped, with branches ascending, dark glands absent. Stems fawn-puberulous, soon regularly 4-lined; cortex green?; bark finely ribbed-striate. Leaves opposite, the pairs initially united at base, petiolate, with petiole 4-6 mm long, densely to rather sparsely fawn-puberulous with scattered stellate hairs; lamina 10-17 x 7-12 mm, triangular-ovate to oblong-ovate, glabrous above, paler and densely fawn-puberulous beneath with scattered, often tufted villous hairs, midrib and laterals prominent beneath and impressed above, coriaceous; apex subobtuse to rounded, margin inrolled, base broadly cuneate to shortly angustate or truncate; venation: 4-5 pairs of laterals, closed or lower 1-2 pairs free, without or with 1-3 cross-veins distally; laminar glands dense, prominent on upper surface, intramarginal glands dense. Inflores- cence 3-5-flowered, from 1-2 distant or close nodes, the inflorescence thus more or less subumbellate; pedicels 8-9 mm, bracts and bracteoles linear. Flowers 9-10 mm in diam.; buds narrowly ovoid, acute. Sepals in fruit recurved, 4-5 x c. 1.5 mm, linear-lanceolate, acute, margin entire, coriaceous; veins c. 7, slightly prominent; laminar glands linear, all pale. Petals incomplete in specimen seen. Stamens c. 60?, with filaments (in each fascicle) united above base. Ovary not seen. Capsule 6-7.5 x 4.5-6 mm, pyramidal-ovoid, truncate, with persistent divergent horn-like style bases, coriaceous, with valves finely longitudinally vittate, exceeding sepals. Seeds dark brown, c. 1.1 mm long (immature?); testa foveolate-reticulate.