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Hypericum sewense N. Robson
Genus: HypericumSection: sect. Humifusoideum
- holotype: BM - Sayers - NGF 21418
- isotype: L - Sayers - NGF 21418
Shrub c. 0.6 m tall, erect, with branches divaricate-ascending, occasionally pseudo-dichotomous, mostly lateral. Stems 4-lined and ancipitous when young, soon 2-lined, eventually terete, eglandular. Leaves (7-)8-12 x 2-4 mm, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, concolorous, not glaucous, plane, spreading to ascending; apex rounded, base narrowly cuneate; venation: 2-4 pairs of main lateral veins branched distally, without tertiary reticulation; laminar glands pale, linear to striiform towards base, sometimes flanked by row of streaks or dots, punctiform towards apex and margin, inframarginal glands dense, pale and (6-10) black. Inflorescence 1-flowered, without or rarely with one or two flowering branches in uppermost axils, with numerous flowering branches from lower nodes; pedicels 4-9 mm long in fruit. Flowers 22-28 mm in diam., stellate; buds narrowly ovoid, subacute. Sepals 5-7 x 1.5-2.5 mm, imbricate, equal or subequal, lanceolate, rounded to subacute, entire; veins 5(3), outer branched; laminar glands pale, mostly linear to striiform, punctiform towards apex and margin; inframarginal glands pale or occasionally some black. Petals bright yellow, not tinged red, 10-14 x 5-6.5 mm, 2 x sepals, oblong-obovate, rounded, apiculus almost absent; laminar glands pale linear, sometimes interrupted distally; marginal glands absent or 1-3, black, sessile, on or near apiculus. Stamens obscurely 3-fascicled, 15-20, longest (6.5-)7-8(-9) mm, 0.65-0.8 x petals; anther gland black. Ovary 2.5-3 x c. 1.5-2 mm, narrowly ovoid, acute; styles 3, 2-4 mm long, 0.8-1.3 x ovary, narrowly divergent; stigma scarcely capitate; placentae 3, intrusive parietal. Capsule (5-)7-9 x (3-)4-5 mm, c. 1.1-1.4 x sepals, ellipsoid to ovoid, with valves longitudinally vittate. Seeds yellow- brown, c. 0.8 mm long, scarcely carinate; testa densely linear-foveolate.