Hypericum decaisneanum (Nomenclature)
Perennial herb with stems 0.04-0.15 m tall, erect to suberect, sometimes from decumbent and rooting base, with woody taproot, many-stemmed, unbranched below inflorescence, whitish- to greyish-pubescent except inflorescence. Stems green above, reddish below, all terete or inflorescence branches 2-lined; internodes all shorter than the crowded leaves except in inflorescence and sometimes towards base, eglandular. Leaves sessile; lamina 6-12 x 3.5-10 mm, ovate, concolorous, rather thickly chartaceous, not glaucous, shortly pubescent above, more densely and sometimes crisped-pubescent beneath, with margin recurved to revolute, apex depressed-concave and veins impressed, spreading to deflexed; apex subacute to rounded, margin entire, base broadly cuneate to cordate-amplexicaul; venation: 3-4 pairs of laterals curved-ascending from lower 0.25-0.5 of midrib, tertiary reticulation obscure; laminar glands pale, dense, subequal and occasionally a few black; intramarginal glands black, rather dense, regular. Inflorescence 3-c. 20-flowered, from 1-4 nodes, without lower flowering branches, narrowly pyramidal to subcorymbiform, all or individual parts dense; pedicels 1-1.5 mm; bracts and bracteoles oblong to triangular-lanceolate, black-glandular-ciliate, densely glandular-auriculate. Flowers c. 12-15 mm in diam.; buds ovoid, subacute. Sepals 2.64.5 x 1 mm, subequal, shortly united, narrowly oblong to broadly elliptic, rounded, with margin rather long- to short-glandular-ciliate or -subdenticulate; veins 5, unbranched?; laminar glands pale, linear to punctiform, occasionally with up to 6 black dots distally; marginal glands black, flat-topped. Petals bright yellow, veined red, 6-8 x 2.5-3 mm, c. 2.5 x sepals, oblong, rounded, apiculus absent; laminar glands pale and/or black, scattered, punctiform; marginal glands black, few sessile. Stamens c. 40, longest 5-7 mm, 0.8-0.9 x petals; anther gland black. Ovary c. 1 .5-2.5 x 0.8-1 .3 mm, narrowly ovoid- pyramidal; styles c. 3.5-6 mm, c. 2.4 x ovary, spreading-incurved. Capsule 4-5 x c. 2.5-3 mm, ovoid, equalling or exceeding sepals, enclosed when developing by petals twisting together. Seeds not seen.
Crevices of limestone rock; 20-700 m.
Libya (Cyrenaica - east end of Jebel el Akhdar).
H. decaisneanum, with its densely hairy leaves and black-gland- dotted petals, resembles a dwarf version of H. annulatum subsp. afromontanum, to which it is probably most closely related. It bridges the gap in distribution between the European and African subspecies of H, annulatum but is much smaller than either. According to Gimingham & Walton (1954), it is confined to the lower slopes (152-238 m) of the main north-facing escarpment slope of Jebel el Akhdar as part of a well-developed chasmophytic community.