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Hypericum anceps Larrañaga
Section: sect. TrigynobrathysSubsection: subsect. Connatum
Synonyms: 1
- neotype: GH - Arechavaleta - 570
- neotype: MVM - Arechavaleta - 570
- neotype: US - Arechavaleta - 570
- neotype: US - Arechavaleta - 570
Perennial herb 0.2-0.6(-l) m tall, erect or decumbent, 1-stemmed, with lateral branches all along stem, erect to ascending, becoming naked below. Stems green, persistently 4-lined, markedly ancipitous when young, the median (subfoliar) lines always wider than the laterals, cortex deciduous in strips or flakes; internodes 4-40 mm long, mostly longer than leaves. Leaves sessile spreading; lamina 12-17(-25) x 2-3(-5.5) mm, narrowly oblong to narrowly lanceolate, margin recurved, paler or glaucous beneath, chartaceous; apex subacute to rounded, base rounded to cordate, decurrent-amplexicaul, forming shallow V, free; basal or near-basal veins 3-5, midrib with 1-2 pairs of branches, tertiary reticulum dense, obscure; laminar glands dense, often obscure, not prominent. Inflorescence 15-c. 50-flowered, dichasial/monochasial, without accessory branches, with lateral branches from up to 8 nodes below, the whole narrowly to broadly cylindric or narrowly pyramidal; primary pedicels 2-4.5 mm long; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate. Flowers 8-10 mm in diam., stellate; buds ovoid-ellipsoid, subacute. Sepals 3-5 x 1-2 mm, subequal or unequal, scarcely to definitely imbricate, lanceolate to ovate-elliptic, acute; veins 5-7, only midrib or central 3 becoming prominent; glands linear. Petals golden yellow, tinged red in bud, 5- 6 x 2-2.5 mm, 1.5-2 x sepals, oblong-oblanceolate; apiculus subacute; glands linear. Stamens 40-50, obscurely 5-fascicled, longest 2.5-3.5 mm long, 0.45-0.5 x petals. Ovary c. 1.5 x 1.5 mm, globose; styles 5(4), 2-2.5 mm long, 1.3-1.7 x ovary, spreading; stigmas narrowly capitate or clavate. Capsule 3-4(-5) x 3-4 mm, subglobose to globose, shorter than or equalling sepals. Seeds c. 0-6 mm long; testa ribbed- scalariform.