Hypericum yamamotoanum (Nomenclature)
Perennial herb 0.35–0.4 m tall, erect to ascending from woody? base, with stems caespitose, unbranched below inflorescence or branching at upper nodes. Stems narrowly 4-lined at first, 2-lined below, eglandular; internodes 20–40 mm, shorter to longer than leaves. Leaves sessile; lamina 25–40 × 13–25 mm, oblong-ovate to (lower) broadly elliptic, paler beneath, chartaceous; apex rounded, margin plane, base rounded to shallowly cordate-amplexicaul; venation: 3–4 pairs of main laterals from lower quarter to third of midrib; tertiary reticulation dense, visible on both sides; laminar glands black, punctiform, sparse or absent; intramarginal glands black, dense. Inflorescence (3–)10–15-flowered, from 1–3 nodes, rather lax but individual triads dense, when from one node then with lower branches, the whole subcorymbiform; pedicels 1.5–4 mm, slender; bracts and bracteoles reduced-foliar, ovate. Flowers c. 16–21 mm in diam., stellate; buds ellipsoid, rounded. Sepals 5, very unequal, 4–7 × 1.3–2.5 mm, ovate to oblong or lanceolate, rounded to obtuse or subacute, entire; veins 5, branching and anastomosing; laminar glands black and/or pale, punctiform, rather few; marginal glands black or pale, spaced, regular or irregular. Petals 5, bright? yellow, not tinged red, 10–12 × 3 mm, 2–3 × sepals, oblong to oblong-spathulate, rounded, entire; laminar glands pale, proximal linear to striiform and sometimes black, distal striiform to punctiform; marginal glands black, very few (1–2) or absent. Stamens 40–60, ‘3’-fascicled, longest 7–9 mm, c. 0.6 × petals; anther gland black. Ovary 3–4 × 1.5–2 mm, ovoid-ellipsoid; styles 3, free, divaricate-incurving, 3.5–5(–7) mm, 1–1.5 × ovary; stigmas narrow. Capsule and seeds not seen.
Japan (southwestern Hokkaidō).
Hypericum yamamotoanum is related to 25. H. vulcanicum, differing from it by the broader, very unequal sepals. The broader lower leaves of Isiyama 335 are like the main stem ones of H. vulcanicum subsp. latifolium but smaller; those of Yamamoto 4098 that remain, however, are narrower.