Hypericum aegypticum subsp. maroccanum (Nomenclature)
Diagnostic description:
Plant erect, (0.15-)0.3-2 m tall, with branches erect to ascending. Leaves sessile, plane; lamina (7-) 9-18 x (2-)3-4 mm, narrowly elliptic or narrowly oblong-elliptic, acute. Sepals 5-6 mm long. Petals 10-12(-14?) mm long.
Morocco, Algeria.
Subsp. maroccanum is confined to the southern slopes of the Atlas Mountains and their foothills down to the Atlantic Ocean. In view of the almost strictly maritime distributions of the other subspecies, it is tempting to suggest that the southern edge of the Atlas is an ancient coastal region. Perhaps, as Melville (1967: 293) has suggested, the ancient Tethys Sea was to the south of the Atlas, not, as most workers still believe, to the north of it.